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Bridge learn the basics

mar 24, 2020

How to play bridge?

We would like to invite you to our course “Learn the basics”. Bridge is a card game that might become your new hobby, especially in the current situation or a way of personal development. Millions of people play bridge worldwide in their free time, it’s also enjoyed by famous personalities like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet or Maria Lavazza. The course will be held ONLINE so you may attend our classes from every place of the world. We will use two platforms – one for classes, another for playing bridge!

Our course consists of 4 classes (each 2.5 hours), that contain theoretical lectures (30 mins) and practical training (2 hours). During our sessions you will learn bridge rules and understand different elements of the game. We will present basic strategies and teach you how to win. We will show you how to play in the professional duplicate bridge tournament!

All meetings will be held on Wednesdays from 6.30 PM till 9.00 PM. The first class will take place on 8th of April ONLINE (then 15th, 22nd, 29th of April).

Language: English (materials also in English)
Localization: ONLINE 
depends on the number of participants: 450 PLN (~100EUR) for 4 meetings (if above 4 participants), 600 PLN (~130 EUR) (if 3-4 people)
Applications: or with the green form here
We will  inform you about the current status of the course when we receive your application form.

Trainers: classes will be conducted by licensed instructors and awarded players – current European Champion (U30) Lukasz Witkowski and v-ce World and European Champion (Women, U25) Hanna Ciunczyk. They might have played in your homeland as they play a lot of tournaments around the world ?